There is still little activity in the garden due no doubt to the incredibly mild and sunny autumn we have experienced. Visitors have included a Wren, a Robin, Starlings and some Blue Tits.
It is a little alarming that the common Blue Tit may soon become an endangered bird after a very poor breeding season for them this year. Although there are plenty adult birds around just now there must be a big concern over the number of chicks which have fledged this year. Hopefully next Spring will be much better for them otherwise Blue Tit numbers will fall dramatically.
I am still trying unsuccessfully for a quality photograph of a Kingfisher. Typically on the one day that I got fairly close to the bird I did not have a camera with me! Taught me a valuable lesson that did.
Just a few photos from the last couple of weeks all taken beside nearby rivers and not the best quality unfortunately including two of the Kingfisher flying away from me, the only view I get of them most of the time!