Friday, January 26, 2007

Update - 26th January

(click to enlarge)

Nothing much happening over the past 5 days. Most of the regular visitors have been seen at some point though the Great Tits are keeping themselves scarce. The Coal Tit has put in a brief appearance as has a Wren but the highlight of the week has to be the fact that I am now seeing the male Blackcap on a daily basis which is remarkable considering I hadn't seen one in the garden at all for the past 7 years! We have put out a margarine tub which was past it's sell by date and I sprinkled some mixed seed on the top. The Blackcap and some of the Blackies can't keep away from it! I have seen no sign of the Sprawk this week though a neighbour has informed me she sees it sitting on their fence every morning almost. As I have no new photos to post I have looked out some more from last summer to remind me of the warmer weather ahead.

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