Saturday, March 31, 2007

W/E 31/3/2007

Frog spawn

Dragonfly (taken during summer 2006)
  • Increased Sparrowhawk activity around the garden including one particularly impressive but unsuccessful swoop. It looks like the same young male returning time after time.
  • Lots of activity around two nesting boxes by Blue Tits. No sign of nest building yet but the birds are very interested and constantly chase other birds away.
  • A pair of Wood Pigeons canoodling then mating on the trellis in front of our kitchen window.
  • Discovery of frog spawn in a shallow area of our garden pond(pictured above).
  • Getting up very close to Grey Heron (within 3-4 yards) while walking the dog. Could have had a really good photo if I'd had my camera, even the 3x zoom on my Powershot would have been sufficient.
On that theme I am now the proud owner of a Nikon D80 and just await memory cards coming in the post. I can't wait to test it out. I used the software to crop the photo shown above which I took last summer of a dragonfly.


nicola said...

hey I didnt know you had a d80!! Sorry havnt been on blog of late, will now have a good catch up!

Ospreywatcher said...

Just got the camera at the end of March along with 70-135 lens and a 70-300 lens.