Thursday, May 24, 2007

Woodpecker is back.

The Greater Spotted Woodpecker has paid several visits to our peanut feeder this morning. I just love this 300mm lens but think I'm going to have to start using a tripod if I'm going to get really sharp pictures.
The Blue Tits are no longer visiting the nesting box though I sometimes see them at the feeders (if it is the same pair?). I will clear out the box later in the summer and find out if there was any trace of eggs or not.
Our Ospreys are currently incubating 3 eggs which are due to hatch on Bank Holiday weekend. There were a couple of crows at the nest last week which caused a slight panic. Fortunately they were unsuccessful in their attempts to lure the Ospreys away from the eggs. Crows are clever birds but our Ospreys are old hands now at rearing a family and knew how to defend the eggs.


T said...

Keep an eye out for juvenile GSWs - June is the best time to see them in the garden, apparently. Maybe your male will bring the kids along!

Ospreywatcher said...

Thanks for that bird woman, I'll make a point of watching for them. He is certainly at the peanuts several times a day every day. I've seen GSW more times this week than in the whole of the last 8 years!