Thursday, April 10, 2008

Busy at the feeders

The poor weather which we are currently experiencing has resulted in an increase in the number of birds coming to the garden feeders.

Today there were a number of Siskins along with a couple of Goldfinches, a Coal Tit and two Great Tits in addition to the usual daily visitors. I also noticed a Brambling in our cherry tree though it did not come to any of the feeders. The Starlings and Rooks continue to demolish any fat balls which are put out.

Meanwhile down at the riverside I am even more convinced that the Kingfisher is nesting at the spot I have seen it on several occasions over the past couple of weeks. I took my camcorder with me today but although I saw the bird several times I did not get a chance to film it as it was either flying past me or leaving it's perch before I had the camera ready.

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