Friday, April 13, 2007

More Heron and Blue Tits

Another fairly quiet week in the garden.

The Blue Tits are still fairly frequent visitors to the box though there can also be lengthy absences which causes me a little concern. Both they and a Chaffinch are visting the window feeder and today I spotted a Greenfinch on the new Nyjer seed feeder, the first bird to visit it. I had hoped to attract more Goldfinches but so far they are only feeding on the Sunflower hearts on their rare visits.

The first tadpoles are emerging from the frog spawn and I have scooped up a large number and put them in an old bath filled with water from the pond to keep them out of the clutches of my fish.

I spotted some Dippers at the river this morning and went back with my camera. However all I saw was my old friend the Heron and a pair of Grey Wagtails which were too quick for me to snap.


nicola said...

You are doing really well with that heron....keep the photos coming..

Ospreywatcher said...

Thanks! Quite an easy bird to photograph really due to its size and its tolerance of people close by.