Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Down by the river

Spotted this pretty little Grey Wagtail while walking the dog, picture could have been sharper and the problem seems to be a slow shutter speed of 1/25 sec. The sooner I master this camera the better! The Grey Heron is quite oblivious to passing humans and dogs and it is easy to get very close to it.
Meanwhile in the garden today I had to try and stop a fight between two female Blackies who were having a real set to on the lawn. However my presence only made them move to a more distant area of the garden where they continued their brawl!


nicola said...

heron shots are nice

Ospreywatcher said...

I was quite pleased with the Heron photos, just love being able to crop photos in the camera before downloading them. Don't know what happened with the Grey Wagtail but the shutter speed was too low.